

Lotus Par Lachance is the culmination of a vision of a mission, a mission that revolves around the people of the world, something that is close to our hearts. Over the course of the last 20 years, we have been employees, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. All of that experience culminated in the realization that we were ultimately alone in our battle to survive and overcome so many obstacles that were thrown at us by conglomerates, officials, and more. Our ethics never waivered, following every letter of the law and our moral obligations to our community and customers, and still, we felt as though we were the ones being entrapped, made to bear the heavy burden that superficially presented itself as “assistance”. 

Many of those issues came to light when the entire world went through one of the most difficult times in our generation, crippling economies and affecting the INDIVIDUAL. The INDIVIDUAL’s were left to fend for themselves as corporations displayed what seemed to be an endless charade. 

Those revelations only further strengthened what we had personally held as our mission, no matter where we went in our travels, both nationally and internationally, we felt the spirit and kindness of the people that were just like us. Those that functioned in their everyday life, supporting themselves and their families, that is who WE are. 

WE are the world population collectively, WE are all capable of making choices that can impact not only the micro levels of humanity but the MACRO levels as well. There are so many amazing organizations that are just like us, dedicated to creating the catalyst that can effectively make those choices a reality. 

Par LaChance is dedicated to highlighting that reality across the board, finding those niche artisans, and embracing their craft, bringing forth the resurgence of the individual and self-expression. Our commitment to those communities is to bring back as much as they are committed to giving, embracing the natural balance, and keeping it at the forefront of every action we take. 

We hope that you will join us, and wholeheartedly adopt the mentality that YOU are WE! 

“Waterfalls don’t question where they are going, they allow the natural flow to carve their paths, and never forget their source, letting the powerful flow speak its truth…”

“There is a cataclysmic shift happening in the world that will be the consequence of what will result if we do not awaken to the loss of self”