What if you had the opportunity to make a difference? We all walk different paths, thinking our footsteps are alone, make the choice to connect your path and balance your footprint! 

Lotus Par LaChance is powered by the Par LaChance Umbrella

The founders have chosen to maintain a Volunteer-Only position, ensuring the commitment to transparency in all ways, and will bring their expertise in full force. What exactly does transparency mean? Within all legal bounds and regulations, Lotus Par LaChance will maintain a login for ANY and ALL who choose to donate, no matter what amount, to be able to see where exactly their donations are going and full transparency with the structure of the Organization. Have you seen a restaurant with an open kitchen? This is it, watching the food being made and transported straight to your table, isn’t it always all the more satisfying and exciting? That is exactly the same type of involvement and excitement that Lotus Par Lachance wants with any donations, we should all be able to know and understand the impact that is being made. 

Embracing Our World

From the unexplored to the familiar, expand your knowledge on your own terms and embrace those opportunities and moments that enhance your understanding. Your perspective can make a difference! Follow Lotus Par LaChance as we highlight worldwide movements! 

“Sustainability must be integrated as a way of life to create an indelible  permanence.”